Since 2012, we are partners of Hispajuris, the law firm with the largest territorial implantation in Spain. Hispajuris has 32 offices located throughout the Spanish geography, covering both the peninsula and the islands, with more than 600 lawyers of recognized prestige and long professional career.
Thanks to this distribution, Hispajuris offers comprehensive, personalized and proximity legal services, regardless of where you are. From Hispajuris we identify our expert for each problem and for the best legal defense of your interests.
In addition, we attend all the legal needs of professionals, companies and individuals, being the largest alliance of Local Law Firms in Spain.
Hispajuris, in addition to general services, provides specialized services (Compliance Officer, Claim of unpaid debts, Transport, Competition Defense, Defense in Labor Claims, etc.), even at the international level.
The physical headquarters of Hispajuris Abogados is located in Madrid, Calle Orense nº 6.
You can consult all the services we offer through Hispajuris Abogados in the following link: Hispajuris

Below, you can consult some news about Hispajuris Palencia:

- ‘Hispajuris’ asesorará jurídica y legalmente a los socios del ‘Itagra’
- La red Hispajuris presenta un centenar de demandas contra los fabricantes de camiones.
- Finalizó el I Congreso Internacional de Hispajuris Abogados en la Habana.
- Hispajuris presenta la realidad del mercado jurídico destacando su globalización y la irrupción de nuevos operadores jurídicos.
- Óscar Calderón (nuevo presidente de Hispajuris): “Queremos ayudar a salvar empresas”
- Selier Abogados se incorpora a Hispajuris.
- Hispajuris prestará servicios jurídicos a los empresarios por la calidad del ocio de Madrid.